Hello Friends This winter it is looking really good,,if is not working for windsurf is just perfect for some surfing.Love the canaries,,,, saludos jonas
Hello Friends Here we go with trip history in FUERZA7 this month,,also i got an interview FOR THE 3ยบ PLACES IN 2008 wave ranking,, also doble page doing and explaining a taka,,,more info at FUERZA7. SALUDOS jonas ceballos
Hello Friends Wind stop but i dont do it,,hehe,,,here we go with couple pictures training at the mountains doing some rock climbing with my friend marcos and richard aleman,,some sick moves,,,i hope you like the pictures,, saludos jonas ceballos
What the sorprise this morning when i got to the beach and we found this big shark dead over the rocks,,,increible,,,I dont want to imagine how big is his daddy,hehe. saludos jonas
Hello Friends Epic south swell today at arinaga,,,one word,sick¡¡¡¡ More sooner Thanks richard aleman for this great secuence. hope you like too,,,, saludos jonas
Hi Friends I just got this pictures from Richard Aleman,,,few goodones,,fluid and 100% pure style. Thanks Richard for the pictures. saludos Jonas Ceballos E-40
Hello friends I got this secuence and I thougth it will be good to upload it to my blog,,,i hope you like it,,thanks Richard Aleman for the secuence. saludos jonas