Finally we finished the single elimination the conditions it wasnt that good but enought to finish it,,it was good for me but it could have been better,,i beat kauli in quarter final with a solid waveriding,i was feeling really confident with my gear and myself and next heat i did meat koster, fighting to go to the final,,this heat it was very very close i have had really good waverinding connecting tricks from out all the way in 360º front sides 360º backsides,takas,etc,,,i was looking for a great doble but i coundnt get any good ramp to make a clean doble and the diferences was minimun,,this gave me power to keep going on the loser final agains my friend dario ojeda,,i have to say he did it really good this year and im happy for him well done¡¡,,,this heat i was sailing with my heart and i just had a nice heat with very strong waveriding conecting tricks in almost all my waves with very solid jumping,,im happy about the result the level is crazy and is very hard to be on top,still running it is not finish yet and im motivate to keep going foward,,looking foward for great conditions ,,3'3 and big waves to show all my skills and fly like hell,,jeje
congratulatios to Phillip Koster he was just amazing,,also to my team mate Victor fdz He was very solid like always,hehe.
Thanks John Carter for the pictures

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