In today’s press conference the full program was announced and as I did last year, in one post will list all films in the fest different sections, so will be a work in progress until it becomes final.
Films in competition include 18 films that will be vying for the top awards, Golden and Silver Bears; but a total of 23 films will be showing in the Competition program and there will be two special screenings.
Opening film: Les adieux à la Reine (Farewell My Queen), Benoït Jacquot, France and Spain
A moi seule (Coming Home), Frédéric Videau, France
Aujourd'hui (Tey), Alain Gomis, France and Senegal
Bai lu yuan (White Deer Plain), Wang Quan'an, China
Barbara, Christian Petzold, Germany
Captive (Captured), Brillante Mendoza, France and Philippines
Cesare deve morire (Caesar Must Die), Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, Italy
Csak a szél (Just The Wind), Bence Fliegauf, Hungary, Germany and France
Dictado (Childish Games), Antonio Chavarrías, Spain
En Kongelig Affære (A Royal Affair), Nikolaj Arcel, Denmark, Czech Republic, Sweden, and Germany
Gnade (Mercy), Matthias Glasner, Germany and Norway
Jayne Mansfield's Car, Billy Bob Thornton, USA and Russia
Kebun binatang (Postcards From The Zoo), Edwin, Indonesia, Germany, Hong Kong and China
L’Enfant d’en haut (Sister), Ursula Meier, Switzerland and France
Metéora (Meteora), Spiros Stathoulopoulos, Germany and Greece
Rebelle (War Witch), Kim Nguyen, Canada
Tabu, Miguel Gomes, Portugal, Germany and Brazil
Was bleibt (Home For The Weekend), Hans-Christian Schmid, Germany
Out of Competition
Bel Ami, Declan Donnellan, UK
Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close, Stephen Daldry, USA
Flying Swords Of Dragon Gate, Tsui Hark, Hong Kong and China
Jin líng Shi San Chai (The Flowers of War), Zhang Yimou, China
Shadow Dancer, James Marsh,UK and Ireland
Competition Special Screening
Haywire, Steven Sodenberg, USA
Tribute to Meryl Streep: The Iron Lady, Phyllida Lloyd, UK
To read info about each film go here and select competition for all films in the section to appear below.
International Jury
President: Mike Leigh, director, UK
Anton Corbijn, photographer, designer and filmmaker,Netherlands
Asghar Farhadi, director and screenwriter, Iran
Charlotte Gainsbourg, actress, France and UK
Jake Gyllenhaal, actor, USA
François Ozon, director and screenwriter, France
Boualem Sansal, writer, Algeria
Barbara Sukowa, singer and actress, Germany
I’m impressed with this year jury as there are several directors and one actress that I really like and follow by watching all their films. Great. To learn more about each jury member go here.
Haven’t read about all movies but soon will do but I know there are many must be seen for me because of the amazing director or because stars Isabelle Hupert, Mads Mikkelsen, Léa Seydoux, Virginie Ledoyen or Diane Kruger.
Check some trailers and/or synopsis @MOC
According to press release this year’s Panorama is presenting 53 feature films: 18 in the main programme, 15 in Panorama Special and 20 in Panorama Dokumente; a few of the topics explored in them will be examined again in four short supporting films. 34 productions from 33 countries are screening as world premieres with six fictional films being directorial debuts and most amazing there are 24 women filmmakers presenting 16 films –still too low but about average.
Panorama Main Program is opening on February 9 with “a new discovery” from Austria, Kuma by Umut Dag that absolutely is must be seen for me.
Main Program
Opening Film: Kuma, Umut Dag, Austria
Bugis Street Redux, Yonfan, Hong Kong
Chocó (Choco), Jhonny Hendrix Hinestroza, Colombia
Death for Sale, Faouzi Bensaïdi, Belgium, France and Morocco
Dollhouse, Kirsten Sheridan, Ireland
Fon Tok Kuen Fah (Headshot), Pen-Ek Ratanaruang, Thailand and France
From Seoul To Varanasi, Kyuhwan Jeon, Korea (Very curious, will watch)
Glaube, Liebe, Tod (Belief, Love, Death), Peter Kern, Austria
Highway, Deepak Rauniyar, Nepal and USA
Hot boy noi loan - cau chuyen ve thang cuoi, co gai diem va con vit (Lost In Paradise), Vu Ngoc Dang, Vietnam
Keep The Lights On, Ira Sachs, USA
L'âge atomique (Atomic Age), Héléna Klotz, France
Leave It On The Floor, Sheldon Larry, USA and Canada
Man On Ground, Akin Omotoso, South Africa
Mommy is Coming, Cheryl Dunye, Germany
Rentaneko (Rent-a-Cat), Naoko Ogigami, Japan
Sharqiya, Ami Livne, Israel, France and Germany
The Convoy, Alexey Mizgirev, Russia
Wilaya, Pedro Pérez Rosado, Spain
Panorama Special
10+10, Hou Hsiao-hsien, Wang Toon, Wu Nien-Jen, Sylvia Chang, Chen Guo-Fu, Wei Te-Sheng, Chung Meng-Hung, Chang Tso-Chi, Arvin Chen, Yang Ya-Che and others, Taiwan
Cherry, Stephen Elliott, USA
Diaz - Don’t Clean Up This Blood, Daniele Vicari, Italy, Romania and France
Die Wand (The Wall), Julian Roman Pölsler, Austria and Germany

Indignados, Tony Gatlif, France
Iron Sky, Timo Vuorensola, Finland, Netherlands, Australia and Germany
La mer à l'aube (Calm At Sea), Volker Schlöndorff, France and Germany
Love, Doze and Niu Chen-zer, China and Taiwan
Mai-wei (My Way), KANG Je-kyu, Korea
My Brother The Devil, Sally El Hosaini, UK
Parada (The Parade), Srdjan Dragojevic, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia
The Woman Who Brushed Off Her Tears, Teona Strugar Mitevska, Macedonia, Germany, Slovenia and Belgium (wow like this director have to see film, plus lead is Victoria Abril)
Xingu, Cao Hamburger, Brazil (like this director will watch film)
Panorama Dokumente
Anak-Anak Srikandi (Children of Srikandi), the Children of Srikandi Collective, Germany and Indonesia
Angriff auf die Demokratie - Eine Intervention (Democracy Under Attack - An Intervention), Romuald Karmakar, Germany
Audre Lorde - The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992, Dagmar Schultz, Germany
“Blut muss fließen” - Undercover unter Nazis (Blood must flow” – Undercover among Nazis), Peter Ohlendorf, Germany
Brötzmann - Da gehört die Welt mal mir (Brötzmann – That’s When The World Is Mine), Uli M Schueppel, Germany
Call Me Kuchu, Malika Zouhali-Worrall and Katherine Fairfax Wright, USA
Detlef, Stefan Westerwelle, Jan Rothstein, Germany
Herr Wichmann aus der dritten Reihe (Henryk from the back row), Andreas Dresen, Germany
In the Shadow of a Man, Hanan Abdalla, Egypt
König des Comics (King of Comics), Rosa von Praunheim, Germany
La Vierge, les Coptes et Moi (The Virgin, the Copts and Me), Namir Abdel Messeeh, France, Qatar and Egypt
Marina Abramović The Artist is Present, Matthew Akers, USA
Olhe pra mim de novo (Look at me again), Kiko Goifman and Claudia Priscilla, Brazil
The Reluctant Revolutionary, Sean McAllister, UK and Ireland
The Summit, Franco Fracassi, Massimo Lauria, Italy
Ulrike Ottinger - die Nomadin vom See (Ulrike Ottinger - nomad from the lake), Brigitte Kramer, Germany
Unter Männern - Schwul in der DDR (Among Men – Gay in East Germany), Markus Stein and Ringo Rösener, Germany
Vito, Jeffrey Schwarz, USA
Wo men de gu shi (Our Story –10-year ‘Guerrilla Warfare’ of Beijing Queer Film Festival), Yang Yang, China
Words of Witness, Mai Iskander, USA
Panorama Short Supporting films
7 Deadly Kisses, Sammaria Simanjuntak, Indonesia
A Lazy Summer Afternoon with Mario Montez, John Heys, Germany
Green Laser, John Greyson, Canada
ZUCHT und ORDNUNG (LAW and ORDER), Jan Soldat, Germany
Above list was done using the program search and requesting the Panorama films and as you can see doesn’t add to what the press release says; will check later to try to make sure we have all films that belong to each program. To check info about each film go here.
Main Program
The 42nd Berlinale Forum will be showing 38 films in its main program, including 26 world premieres and 8 international premieres.
Al Juma Al Akheira (The Last Friday), Yahya Alabdallah, Jordan and UAE
Ang Babae sa Septic Tank (The Woman in the Septic Tank), Marlon N. Rivera, Philippines
Avalon, Axel Petersén, Sweden
Bagrut Lochamim (Soldier/Citizen), Silvina Landsmann, Israel
Bestiaire, Denis Côté, Canada and France
Beziehungsweisen (Negotiating Love), Calle Overweg, Germany
Die Lage (Condition), Thomas Heise, Germany
Escuela normal (Normal School), Celina Murga, Argentina
Espoir voyage, Michel K. Zongo, France and Burkina Faso
For Ellen, So Yong Kim, USA
Formentera, Ann-Kristin Reyels, Germany
Francine, Brian M. Cassidy and Melanie Shatzky, USA and Canada
friends after 3.11, Iwai Shunji, Japan
Habiter/Construire (Living/Building), Clémence Ancelin, France
Hemel, Sacha Polak, Netherlands and Spain
Hiver nomade (Winter Nomads), Manuel von Stürler, Switzerland
Jaurès, Vincent Dieutre, France
Kashi (Choked), Kim Joong-hyun, Korea
Kazoku no kuni (Our Homeland), Yang Yonghi, Japan
Kid-Thing, David Zellner, USA

La demora (The Delay), Rodrigo Plá, Uruguay, Mexico and France (new movie, must be seen)
Lawinen der Erinnerung, Dominik Graf, Germany
Le sommeil d’or (Golden Slumbers), Davy Chou, France and Cambodia
Mujin chitai (No Man’s Zone), Fujiwara Toshi, Japan and France
Nuclear Nation, Funahashi Atsushi, Japan
Parabeton - Pier Luigi Nervi und römischer Beton (Parabeton - Pier Luigi Nervi and Roman Concrete), Heinz Emigholz, Germany
Paziraie Sadeh (Modest Reception), Mani Haghighi, Iran
Příliš mladá noc (A Night Too Young), Olmo Omerzu, Czech Republic and Slovenia
Revision, Philip Scheffner, Germany
Salsipuedes, Mariano Luque, Argentina
Sekret (Secret), Przemysław Wojcieszek, Poland
Sleepless Knights, Stefan Butzmühlen and Cristina Diz, Germany
Spanien (Spain), Anja Salomonowitz, Austria
Tepenin Ardı (Beyond the Hill), Emin Alper, Turkey and Greece
Tiens moi droite (Keep Me Upright), Zoé Chantre, France
Toată lumea din familia noastră (Everybody in Our Family) by Radu Jude, Romania and Netherlands
What Is Love, Ruth Mader, Austria
Zavtra (Tomorrow) Andrey Gryazev, Russia
Forum Special Screenings
Bakamatsu taiyoden (The Sun in the Las Days of The Shogunate), Kawashima Yuzo, Japan, 1957
Brand X, Wynn Chamberlain, USA, 1970
In Arbeit (In Construction), Minze Tummescheit and Arne Hector, Germany, 2012
Kino to ashita no aida (Between Yeterday and Tomorrow), Kawashima Yuzo, Japan, 1954
Ornette: Made in America, Shirley Clarke, USA, 1985
Peov Chouk Sor, Tea Lim Koun, Cambodia, 1967
Puos Keng Kang (The Snake Man), Tea Lim Kuon, Cambodia, 1970
Puthiesen Neang Kongrey (12 Sisters), Ly Bun Yim, Cambodia, 1968
Suzaki Paradaisu Akashingo (Suzaki Paradise: Red Light), Kawashima Yuzo, Japan, 1956
Swoon, Tom Kalin, USA, 1992
The Connection, Shirley Clarke, USA, 1961
Forum Expanded
To check the films, the exhibitions, shorts, panels and many more activities in the Forum Expanded section please go here.
Definitively the stranger section in fest but there are some new films by directors I highly enjoy. To read about each film in the Forum program go here.
A Total of 58 short and full-length films from 32 countries have been selected for the Generation Kplus and Generation 14plus competitions; two of these films will be screen out of competition. Eleven children from Berlin between the ages of eleven and 14 as well as seven young adults have been invited to be on the Children’s and Youth Juries. They will award Crystal Bears for the best short and feature-length films. The five members of the Generation International Jury have also been confirmed. They present the awards of the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk for the best short film and the best feature-length film in the Generation Kplus competition
Generation Kplus
Opening Film: Die Kinder vom Napf (The Children from the Napf), Alice Schmid, Switzerland
Arcadia, Olivia Silver, USA
Gattu, Rajan Khosa, India
Isdraken (The Ice Dragon), Martin Högdahl, Sweden
Kauwboy, Boudewijn Koole, Netherlands
Kikoeteru, furi wo sita dake (Just Pretend to Hear), Kaori Imaizumi, Japan
Lotte ja kuukivi saladus (Lotte and the Moonstone Secret), Janno Põldma and Heiki Ernits, Estonia and Latvia
Nono, Rommel Tolentino, Philippines
Pacha, Hector Ferreiro, Boliva and Mexico
Patatje Oorlog (Taking Chances), Nicole van Kilsdonk, Netherlands
The Mirror Never Lies, Kamila Andini, Indonesia
Zarafa, Rémi Bezançon and Jean-Christophe Lie, France and Belgium
Generation 14plus
Opening Film: Electric Children, Rebecca Thomas, USA
Comes A Bright Day, Simon Aboud, UK

Kronjuvelerna (The Crown Jewels), Ella Lemhagen, Sweden
Lal Gece (Night of Silence), Reis Çelik, Turkey
Magi I Luften (Love is in the Air), Simon Staho, Denmark and Sweden
Maori Boy Genius, Pietra Brettkelly, New Zealand – documentary
Mustafa’s Sweet Dreams, Angelo Abazoglou, Greee and UK
Nosilatiaj. La Belleza (Beauty), Daniela Seggiaro, Argentina
Orcim LeRega (Off White Lies), Maya Kenig, Isarel and France
Snackbar, Meral Uslu, Netherlands
Two Little Boys, Robert Sarkies, New Zealand
Una Noche, Lucy Mulloy, USA, Cuba and UK
Un Mundo Secreto (A Secret World), Gabriel Mariño, Mexico
Wandeukyi (Punch), Han Lee, Korea
Out of Competition
The Monkey King – Uproar in Heaven 3D, Da Su and Chen Zhihong, China
Vierzehn (Fourteen), Cornelia Grünberg, Germany
To check short films in each section and read the complete press release that includes de jury members please go here and to read information about each film go here.
Perspektive Deutsches Kino
Selection consists of 13 films, including three full-length documentaries and four full-length fictional films as well two sets of three medium-long films each. Section director Linda Söffker sums up the selection: “The GDR was colourful, adolescents are critical and good films end in our minds.”
Ararat by Engin Kundag
Dichter und Kämpfer (Rhymers and Rivals) by Marion Hütter (documentary)
Gegen Morgen (Before Tomorrow) by Joachim Schoenfeld
Karaman by Tamer Yigit and Branka Prlić
Man for a Day by Katarina Peters (documentary)
Rodicas by Alice Gruia (documentary)
Sometimes we sit and think, and sometimes we just sit by Julian Pörksen
Sterben nicht vorgesehen (Dying Not Planned For) by Matthias Stoll (documentary)
Tage in der Stadt (Out Off) by Janis Mazuch
This Ain’t California by Marten Persiel (documentary)
Trattoria by Soleen Yusef
Westerland by Tim Staffel
To read the press release go here and to read about each film go here.
Berlinale Shorts
27 films from 22 countries will be competing for the Golden Bear and Silver Bear Jury Prize, the DAAD Short Film Award and a short film nomination for the European Film Prize. German actress Sandra Hüller, Palestinian artist Emily Jacir as well as filmmaker David OReilly will be picking the winners in 2012.
Most interesting is to discover a 20 minutes short by none other than Claudia Llosa with an intriguing story about Makuti,a middle-aged single mother desperately searching for her 19-years-old daughter; both are no ordinary women as they are transsexuals. Absolutely must be seen for me as I really enjoy the magic-realism in Llosa’s films.
Berlinale Shorts
Ad balloon, Lee Woo-jung, Republic of Korea, 24’ (IP)
An das Morgengrauen, Mariola Brillowska, Germany, 3’ (WP)
Ein Mädchen Namens Yssabeau, Rosana Cuellar, Germany / Mexico, 18’ (DP)
Enakkum Oru Per, Suba Sivakumaran, USA / Sri Lanka, 12’ (WP)
Erotic Fragments No. 1, 2, 3, Anucha Boonyawatana, Thailand, 7’ (IP)
Gurehto Rabitto, Atsushi Wada, France, 7’ (WP)
impossible exchange, Mahmoud Hojeij, Lebanon, 10’ (WP)
Karrabing! Low Tide Turning, Liza Johnson, Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Australia, 14’ (WP)
La Santa, Mauricio López Fernández, Chile, 14’ (WP)
LI.LI.TA.AL., Akihito Izuhara, Japan, 8’ (WP)
Licuri Surf, Guile Martins, Brazil, 15’ (IP)
Loxoro, Claudia Llosa, Spani / Peru / Argentina / USA, 20’ (IP)
Mah-Chui, Kim Souk-young, Republic of Korea, 23’ (IP)
Nostalgia, Gustavo Rondón Córdova, Venezuela, 30’ (WP)
Panchabhuta, Mohan Kumar Valasala, India, 15’ (WP)
PUSONG WAZAK! Isa Na Namang Kwento Ng Pag-ibig Sa Pagitan Ng Isang Kriminal at Isang Puta (THE RUINED HEART! Another Lovestory Between A Criminal And A Whore), Khavn De La Cruz, Philippines, 15’ (WP)
Rafa, João Salaviza, Portugal / France, 25’ (WP)
Say Goodbye to the Story (ATT 1/11), Christoph Schlingensief, Germany, 23’ (WP)
Shi Luo Zhi Di, Zhou Yan, China, 25’ (WP)
Strauß.ok, Jeanne Faust, Germany, 5’ (WP)
The End, Barcelo, France, 17’ (WP)
The Man that Got Away, Trevor Anderson, Canada, 25’ (WP)
Utsikter, Marcus Harrling and Moa Geistrand, Sweden, 12’ (WP)
Uzushio, Naoto Kawamoto, Japan, 6’ (WP)
Vilaine Fille Mauvais Garçon, Justine Triet, France, 30’ (IP)
Yi chang ge ming zhong hai wei lai de ji ding yi de xing wei, Sun Xun, China, 12’ (WP)
zounk!, Billy Roisz, Austria, 6’ (WP)
Berlinale Shorts Extra
Magyarország 2011, András Jeles, Ágnes Kocsis, Ferenc Török, Simon Szabó, Márta Mészáros, Péter Forgács, László Siroki, György Pálfi, Bence Fliegauf, András Salamon, Miklós Jancsó, Ungarn, 75' (IP) presented by Béla Tarr
To read the complete press release go here and to read about each film go here .
Berlinale Special
Among the activities in this section most interesting is the screening of Doris Dörrie (remember Cherry Blossoms?) latest movie Glück (Bliss) starring none other than Alba Rohrwacher which obviously is must be seen for me. Also Alex de la Iglesia latest La Chispa de la Vida (As Luck Would Have It) that surely has a story that I have to see (name comes from Coca-Cola slogan, lol) as is a satire about what I used to do in previous life.
There will be a Special Tribute to Theo Angelopoulos, a biodoc about Bob Marley, a restored Oktjabr (October) by none other than Sergej M. Eisenstein, and many other interesting films including the one by Angelina Jolie and Jason Reitman’s Young Adult starring Charlize Theron.
To check all the events and movies in this section plus read about each film go here.
Retrospective & Homage
Most interesting is to learn that The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) has become partner with the Deutsche Kinemathek and the Berlin International Film Festival to enrich the Retrospective section of the festival that this year is entitled “The Red Dream Factory. Mezhrabpom-Film and Prometheus 1921 – 1936”, the legendary German-Russian film studio that wrote film history from 1922 to 1936. If you wish to read the press release with more info go here.
This year the Homage and Honorary Golden Bear goes to Meryl Streep and several of her movies will be screened during the fest. On February 14 Streep will be awarded the Honorary Golden Bear and The Iron Lady will be screened. To learn more go here.
Culinary Cinema
Perhaps my favorite section in the fest as what’s better that watching –good- films plus each great food by renown chefs? This year there are films from France, Spain, Portugal, Italy Mexico, USA, Korea, Taiwan, and Germany. Perhaps the one that really calls my attention is a “sweet” movie from Mexico called Canela with a battle between Mexican traditional food and an international chef, yum just to think about it I’m hungry! lol. To check films in this section go here.
Berlinale Talent Campus
The 10th edition of the Berlinale Talent Campus received 4382 applications from up-and-coming filmmakers from 137 countries; only 350 filmmakers from around 90 countries were accepted and 150 experts from all over the world will join them to meet, talk, mentor and intensively coach them. Will take place from February 11 to 16 and to read more go here.
European Film Market & Co-Production Market
From February 9 to 17 the EFM will open its door making it the first meeting and trade platform for the international film industry; from February 12 to 14 the Berlinale Co-Production Market opens for the ninth time with producers and directors of 39 selected film projects from 30 countries will meet with 450 potential co-production and financing partners. But most interesting will be the panel discussion “Distribution in a Crossmedia World” that will talk –obviously- about the new digital platforms that are bringing radical changes to the distribution and consumption of film.
World Cinema Fund
At the 15th session of the World Cinema Fund (WCF) jury, five new film projects were selected for production funding. The WCF jury made their selection from 113 submissions from a total of 38 countries and awarded production funds totalling 210,000 €. Jury members are film scholar and curator Viola Shafik (Germany/Egypt), documentary producer Marta Andreu (Spain), distributor and producer Jan De Clercq (Belgium) and WCF project managers Sonja Heinen and Vincenzo Bugno. To learn the projects from mexico, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Uganda go here.
Special Presentations
Studio Babelsberg is celebrating its 100th anniversary in February 2012. The world’s oldest large-scale film studio complex was not only the birthplace of German film but also a major force in the development of cinema internationally. In honor of the studio’s 100th anniversary, the 62nd Berlin International Film Festival has put together a review of Studio Babelsberg’s history: ten films, one from each decade, will be presented in the “Happy Birthday, Studio Babelsberg” special series. Among the films perhaps the best known internationally are Polanski’s The Pianist and Daldry’s The Reader, but there are eight more that you can discover here.
So that's it for information, now to enjoy the fest with many very interesting films and activities.
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