Also, by way of continuation to the San Sebastian Forum and thanks to collaboration with the Festival de Cannes Marché du Film and Argentina’s National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA), some of these projects will have the opportunity to continue their international trajectory with participation in the Ventana Sur market and in the next edition of the Cannes Producers Network. These events will decisively boost the international promotion of the participating projects.
These are the selected projects.
Aire Libre, Anahí Berneri, Argentina
Claria, Luis Angel Ramírez, Spain and Mexico
Cuando Los Caballos Aprendieron a LLorar, Nicolás Pereda, Mexico and Spain
Chico Ventana También Quisiera Tener Un Submarino, Alex Piperno, Argentina and Uruguay
El Elefante Desaparecido, Javier Fuentes-León, Peru, Colombia and Spain
El Escuadrón de la Muerte-Una Comedia, Jayro Bustamante, Guatemala
Las Malcogidas, Denisse Arancibia, Bolivia
Mi Amiga del Parque, Ana Katz, Argentina
O Homem que Matou Minha Amada Morta, Aly Muritiba, Brazil
El Palomar, Daniel Hendler, Uruguay
Pensé Que Iba a Haber Fiesta, Victoria Galardi, Argentina
Pietá, Iñaki Elizalde, Spain
La Puta Realidad, Gabriela Calvache, Ecuador
Que Viva La Música!, Carlos Moreno, Colombia
Sexo Fácil y Películas Tristes, Alejo Flah, Spain and Argentina
Sin Memoriam, David David, Colombia
Tuya, Edgardo González, Argentina
Can't help but to comment that for me is quite strange that in the above list there is no project from Chile, odd. Nevertheless, let's hope that most of these projects find the much needed resources to finish their films.
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