Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

Dothraki place names for THE LANDS OF ICE AND FIRE

Last year's Lands of Ice and Fire introduced a large amount of new territory and new names to the geography of A Song of Ice and Fire. However, many of these new names were Dothraki, and no translation was provided. David Petersen, the creator of the Dothraki language for the Game of Thrones TV series, has now provided some translated names for these locations. Note that these are not 100% canon until confirmed by George R.R. Martin. They also show a distinct lack of imagination on the part of the Dothraki in naming places: what's wrong with 'City of Rainbows' or 'City of Adequate Nightlife and Cheap Parking'?

Adakhakileki: Eater of Skins.
Ifeqevron: A Dothraki term for a deadly forest spider.
Krazaaj Has (formerly Ghardaq): Sharp Mountain
Krazaaj Zasqa: White Mountains (the Dothraki name for the Bone Mountains).
Vaes Aresak (Ibbish): City of Cowards.
Vaes Athjikhari* (Sallosh): City of Sickness.
Vaes Diaf (Hazdahn No): City of Skulls.
Vaes Dothraki: City of Riders.
Vaes Efe: City of Shackles.
Vaes Graddakh (Sarys): City of Waste.
Vaes Jini (Yinishar): City of Female Goats.
Vaes Khadokh (Essaria): City of Corpses.
Vaes Khewo (Sarnath): City of Worms.
Vaes Leisi: City of Ghosts.
Vaes Leqse (Gornath): City of Rats.
Vaes Mejhah: City of Whores.
Vaes Orvik: City of Whips.
Vaes Qosar: City of Spiders.
Vaes Shirosi: City of Scorpions.
Vaes Tolorro: City of Bones.
Vojjor Samui** (Kasath): City of Broken Gods.
Yalli Qamayi (Sathar): City of Wailing Children.

* Apparently a typo; the correct name is Vaes Athjhikhari.
** Apparently another typo; the correct name is Vojjor Samvi.

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