A few hours before BAFTA gave the cinematography award to Claudio Miranda's Life of Pi which makes a lot more sense; so now I'm assuming that the Oscar race has to be between these two, as stats say that five of the last 10 previous ASC winners have gone to win the Oscar in the category. This means a 50/50 chance for Skyfall but we have to also consider that Deakings has been nominated for 10 Oscars without winning one so maybe the dry spell is broken this year.
Winner is in *BLUE. To learn television categories use links below, but winners are not yet at official site.
A few minutes ago news about the ASC nominations started to circulate even when the official announcement is not yet at the official site, but surely will be here soon. Most impressive is to notice that today’s BAFTA nominations for cinematography are exactly the same to those that ASC nominated; so indeed there are high chances that category could be the same at Oscar nods. Awards ceremony will be on February 10.
These are the nominees for Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography.
Danny Cohen for Les Misérables
*Roger Deakings for Skyfall
Janusz Kamiski for Lincoln
Seamus McGarvey for Anna Karenina
Claudio Miranda for Life of Pi
To check nominees in television categories –announced last December- go here.
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