News today speculate that these awards could be similar to what will happen in the upcoming Goya Awards, but I hope that the local huge box office success of The Impossible does not influence the Goya Awards as in my opinion what news call "Hollywood Made-in-Spain" is not superior to many other great made in Spain movies. The Impossible is not a bad movie but I cannot say it is superior to Le Havre or Dans La Maison, movies that were also nominated in the Best European Film category.
Will list the nominees and winner in top categories, but if you wish to check all categories go to the Academy official site. Winners are in *BLUE.
Best Picture in Catalan Language
*Blancaneu (Blancanieves), Pablo Berger
El Bosc, Oscar Aibar
Els Nens Salvatges, Patricia Ferreira
Fènix 11•23, Joel Joan and Sergi Lara
Best Picture Not in Catalan Language
[REC]³ Génesis, Paco Plaza
Red Lights, Rodrigo Cortés
The Pelayos (Winning Streak), Eduard Cortés
*Una Pistola en cada mano, Cesc Gay
Best Animated Film
Cuccioli e il codice di Marco Polo, Francesco Manfio, Sergio Manfio
*Las Aventuras de Tadeo Jones (Tad, the Lost Explorer), Enrique Gato
Papá, soy una zombi, Joan Espinach and Ricardo Ramón
Best European Film
Dans La Maison (In the House), François Ozon
Le Havre, Aki Kaurismäk
Intouchables, Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano
*Lo Imposible (The Impossible), Juan Antonio Bayona
Best Director
*Juan Antonio Bayona for The Impossible
Pablo Berger for Blancaneu
Cesc Gay for Una Pistola en Cada Mano
Joel Joan and Sergi Lara for Fènix 11•23
Best Actress
*Marina Comas in El Nens Salvatges
Angela Molina in Blancaneu
Maria Molins in El Bosc
Maribel Verdú in Blancaneu
Best Actor
*Alex Brendemühl in El Bosc
Nil Cardoner in Fènix 11•23
Alex Casanovas in Fènix 11•23
Alex Monner in El Nens Salvages
Best Screenplay
*Tomàs Aragay and Cesc Gay for Una Pistola en Cada Mano
Pablo Berger for Blancaneu
Patricia Ferreira and Virginia Yagüe for Els Nens Salvatges
Albert Sánchez Piñol for El Bosc
Believe is interesting to learn a vision from the Catalan film industry regarding their own industry, Spain's cinema as well as European cinema that's screened in Cataluña.
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